Thursday, April 25, 2013

Laws of Motion

Study Jams has many videos to reinforce the concepts learned in our Motion and Design unit.  Click on the link below to watch the following videos:
Newton's 2nd Law: Acceleration
Newton's 3rd Law: Action & Reaction
Gravity & Inertia

Study Jams

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


In class, we discussed how friction affects the motion of a vehicle.  Click on the link below to further investigate the affects of friction in this simulation.

Friction Simulation

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Force and Motion

In class, we discussed and investigated the motion of a vehicle when force is applied to it.  To reinforce this concept, click on the link below to go to Study Jams and watch two videos: Force and Motion, and Newton's First Law: Inertia.  Once you have taken the quizzes, please record your score and post those scores when you turn in your assignment.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Simple Machines

Click on website below for a simple machines game.  Explore the house and tool shed to identify all the simple machines we use on a daily basis to make our work easier.  Be sure to read the information following your answer choice to learn more about each type of simple machine.

Edheads - Simple Machines

Motion and Design

Welcome to Fourth Quarter!  This quarter, our unit of study will be Motion and Design.  We will be exploring the motion of objects and the engineering process.  For some background knowledge on how things move, listen to this song on simple machines.  They are not explicitly taught in fifth grade curriculum, but I feel they are important in order to have a full understanding of motion.  Enjoy!