Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hierarchy - Triangles

Learn to create a hierarchy of triangles using their attributes.

Hierarchy - Triangles

Hierarchy - Quadrilaterals

Watch this video to learn how to create a hierarchy for quadrilaterals using their attributes.


Polygon Attributes

We have been identifying attributes of polygons and using that information to sort them.

Polygon Attributes

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Triangles can be sorted into categories.  Watch the Study Jams video to explore the different types of triangles and their attributes.  Be sure to test yourself at the end.


We have begun identifying and sorting polygons into categories.  I hope are having fun because math is fun! Click on the link below to learn more about polygons.  Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for "Play With Them!" to play with interactive polygons.  You can create all the different types of polygons we have been learning about.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


 Can't remember in which biome you live?  Watch this video to explore the 6 biomes of the world.  Test yourself at the end of the video.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Writing Decimals in Expanded Form

This is an excellent video to explain writing decimals in expanded form.  It focuses on using unit fractions, but we have also learned the alternate way shown in the video.  Either way is acceptable.

Writing decimals in expanded notation

Subtracting Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks

Watch this video to learn how to subtract decimals using base ten blocks.  What observations can you make about this method?

Subtract decimals using base ten blocks

Adding Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks

Watch this video to learn how to add decimals using models (base ten pieces).

Adding decimals using base ten blocks

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ecosystems Resources

Use these resources to study for the ecosystems assessment.  Enjoy!

Ecosystems Resources for Fifth Grade

Food Chain Game:

Study Jams – Ecosystems

Study Jams – Biomes

Study Jams – Food Chains

Study Jams – Food Webs

Study Jams – Aquatic Ecosystems

Study Jams – Photosynthesis

Study Jams – Symbiosis

Study Jams – The Kingdoms of Life

Study Jams – Changes in Ecosystems

Study Jams – Population Growth

Ecosystems Glogster

Friday, October 11, 2013

Subtracting decimals using number lines

We have done many things with decimals:  read, write, and round.  But what about adding and subtracting decimals.  Watch this video to learn how to subtract decimals using a number line.

Adding decimals using number lines

Watch this video to learn how to add decimals using number lines.

Add decimals using number lines

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Watch the video to help you learn to read decimals.

Reading decimals

Rounding decimals to the nearest hundredths place using number line

Watch the video below as a reminder about rounding decimals to the nearest hundredths place using a  number line.  

Rounding decimals to the nearest tenths place using number line

We have worked hard to understand decimals.  Watch the following video to learn to round decimals to the nearest tenths place using a number line.

Rounding decimals to nearest tenths place using number line

Rounding decimals to nearest whole number using number line

In the past week, we have been working with decimals.  We have learned to understand decimals using base ten pieces, base ten grids, place value charts and number lines.  We have learned to read and write decimals in standard form, and expanded form.  Watch this video to learn how to round decimals to the nearest whole number using a number line.