Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Motion and Design Resources

Simple Machines

Forces and Motion (all videos)

Physics Simulations

Bill Nye Videos

Physics 4 Kids

Amusement Park Physics

Big Universe
           All About Energy
           All About Mechanical Engineering
           Investigating Forces and Motion
           Isaac Newton and the Laws of the Universe

Physical and Chemical Changes

           Motions, Forces, & Time
Discovery Ed

Explore the activities that have been assigned 

Wrap it Up

We have had a ball this quarter learning about the motion of objects.  Click on the link below to explore the concepts in the context of an amusement park.  Strap in and hold onto the handlebars!  Enjoy the ride!

Park Physics

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


How does the addition of a propeller affect the motion of our vehicle?  How does a propeller work?  Build your background knowledge by reading the attached article.


How Do Helicopters Work?

Did you ever want to know how helicopters work?  Watch this video to see a human-powered helicopter in action!  Are you up for this challenge?!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Newton's Three Laws of Motion

Every object's motions follow Newton's Three Laws of Motion.

Newton's 1st Law of Motion

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

Gravity & Inertia

Believe it or not, if we lived on the moon, we would weigh much less.  Why?  Because of gravity.  Gravity is the measurement of the gravity's force on an object.  There is less gravity on the moon, therefore, gravity's force on us would be less on the moon than on Earth.

Gravity & Inertia

Force & Motion

To get an object moving, you need force.  But how do we get it to stop?  That requires force too!

Force & Motion

Energy & Matter

We are learning about potential and kinetic energy.  In our rubber band investigation, when did your vehicle have potential energy?  When did it have kinetic energy?  Watch this video to refresh your memory: